Windows to the Soul

Because I didn’t have time to make a blog entry yesterday, I’m going to post this bonus entry today.

I have a thing for cat eyes. I am both disturbed and mesmerized by the way they look into my soul, stripping away every pretense behind which I try to keep myself safe from the outer world. I can not hide from cat eyes. Nor do I want to.  And so, I invite you into my world. Their world. Don’t fight it. Surrender.

cat eyes

cat eyes

cat eyes

cat eyes

cat eyes

cat eye

cat eyes

cat eyes

cat eyes







cat eyes

cat eyes

cat eyes


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6 Responses to Windows to the Soul

  1. Edorah says:

    The one at the top looks like a barn owl!

  2. mrwhatsit says:

    ps – That black and white in the center top with it’s tongue hanging out…there’s a well-known picture of Einstein making the same face. Coincidence?

    • lfrazer says:

      That’s Bobble. Any resemblance to Einstein is purely coincidental. I’ll have to Google Einstein and see if I can find a copy of the picture you mentioned.

  3. mrwhatsit says:

    Mesmerizing is the right word. That striking shade of blue against the gray fur and that pair of sea-green pupils (left side, second from bottom), would be my favorites if I were forced to decide, but they each have their own fascination. 🙂

    • lfrazer says:

      Those sea-green pupils belong to Siliman. I love his eyes, because they never look quite the same. Depending on how the light hits them, they can appear blue, green, grey, and/or even yellow. They’re always some intricate combination of colors. I can get lost in those eyes of his.

I'd love to know what you think!